Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Left-Over Series-: Gulab Jamun Parfait

Left over Series Continues with a twist of west meets east! Yup, the cakes go in a short-cut custard topped with a Gulab Jamun. Yeah, on the new year I was gifted a big jar of Gulab Jamun which was both- yummy and super soft. But just in a day, we got bored of binging on the fried delight. So I ended up jazzing it up with a few more things, to make this phenomenal dessert Parfait.and as expected, the guests did va va voom!!

Now, this recipe cannot come with any set measurements. The amounts will vary upon the number of layers that will go in it, and the thickness of each layer that you want to put on.

A handful of vanilla fruit cake, crumbled
10 Roasted almonds, chopped
A cup of prepared Custard (follow the instruction on the pack)
2 Gulab Jamun to top it all.


In a pretty cocktail glass, pour the chilled custard and coat the bottom well. Sprinkle on some roasted chopped almonds.

Now layer it with a big helping of crumbled cake. You may repeat the layering a few times, till you fill up the cocktail glass to your liking.

Top the glass with a pretty plump Gulab Jamun and top everything with some chopped nuts.
And a top class dessert is made. Cheers!!


  1. Very nice idea for a delicious tempting dessert for finishing off a left over cake. Thanks

  2. Thanks!! Dont forget to check out the fresh berry parfait too, for a bit of a variety!! :)


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