Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Butterfly Roast Chicken with Compound Butter

Recipe: “Roast Chicken”
This is the process to butterfly a whole chicken.
1.     This technique helps cook the bird faster. All you do is take a pair of sharp kitchen scissors, and cut out the spine on the back of the bird, as shown in the video.
2.    Flip the bird to the front and press on the breast meat to flatten it. This way it cooks uniformly and takes much lesser time to cook.
3.    Trim of any excess fat off the bird. Pat it completely dry.
4.    We are roasting this bird with compound butter.
5.    Making compound butter is very easy - take softened butter and mix green chilli and garlic paste, salt, lemon and orange zest.
Once thoroughly mixed, create a pocket between the skin and the flesh, and push the butter forward.
*Note that the butter needs to be this consistency as you see in the video.
6.    Season well with salt and pepper on cut side of the chicken.
7.    Cut the potatoes in thin slices and arrange it neatly on the baking tray with vertical  sides.
8.    Now sit out the dressed chicken on the potatoes and season the top well.
9.    Put it in a preheated oven for 50 - 55 mins, until cooked through. Temperature of the oven should be maintained at 200 degrees with the fan on.
10. The easiest way to check a chicken is to poke the cooked bird in the meatiest part. If the juices run clear, the chicken is done.
11. Let it rest for 10 minutes at least before cutting and serving it. A great option to serve along is our roasted masala pumpkin some dinner rolls to have the butter and potatoes with.. cheers!

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